Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Lovin' With Deanna

Hi! I'm Deanna and I blog over at delirious rhapsody. I am a stay at home mama of two crazy little boys. 
While my days are busy playing hot wheels and changing dirty diapers, my evenings are spent crafting, 
baking, and blogging. I'm a bit sarcastic and a lot quirky. I love meeting new people, so stop by and say 
hello sometime!

I was excited when Liv asked me to guest post while she and her family are off on a trip to Arizona. I'm 
here today to share some pictures of one of my very favorite vacations. Enjoy!

When you become a parent, there are many (many) times that you'd just like to get away. But then when 
you finally get the chance, it can be a little bit harder than you anticipated. Well, at least for me it was. 

The Christmas that our oldest son, Gage, was two and a half, my in-laws were nice enough to give me and 
my husband a five day cruise to Cozumel as our gift. We were so stoked. The last time we had gone on a 
real trip together (another cruise) was when I had been four months pregnant with Gage. 

We were so excited! A chance to get away! Our first adventure alone since becoming parents! And then 
my panic set in. Was I really ready to leave our son for a week? He had only been away from us a handful
 of times, and never over 24 hours. And never, ever had we been out of the country! Or on a ship in the middle
of the ocean. What if there was an emergency and they couldn't get in touch with us? What if Gage thought
 we were gone for good and were never coming back? What if I forgot to back something that he 
desperately needed? What if I forgot to tell my parents something important? What if this? What if
 that? Ahhhhhhh! 

Enter an extreme anxiety attack. I'm being honest with you when I tell you I had to pop a couple klonopin 
the night we dropped him off with my parents. I knew he was in more than capable hands, but still, I felt like
 part of my heart was being left behind. This was a really big step for us. 

After the initial pain of leaving Gage, I forced myself to suck it up. We deserved this trip! We had earned this
 time to spend as a married couple. Who knew how long it would be before we got another chance to be 
alone like this. 

And guess what? 

We had a blast! (And so did Gage, for that matter.) I think every parent needs a chance to get away from 
their kids for a while. We ate good food, slept in, and had many wonderful conversations. Alone. We came 
back feeling rested and refreshed. Oh, and I can't tell you how amazing it was not having to be responsible for 
a few days. 

I am so glad we took that trip, because the next month I got pregnant with our second son. Must have 
been something in the water. It's been two and a half years since that trip, and hopefully we can earn some 
more alone parent time sometime soon!

Thanks for letting me take over your blog for the day, Liv! I hope you and your family and having 
awesome adventures and creating wonderful memories together!


Marie V said...

It definitely looks like you had a fabulous time. I can imagine how hard it can be to leave a little one behind but when they are in safe hands, it's great to enjoy some time as a couple too!

Caitlin A. said...

What a great time! And I love how I'm *almost* seeing Peppy's bum in that robe photo, hahahaha.

Deanna Fike said...

thanks for having me!