Our weekend, in a glimpse...
This was the weekend of the 6 hour nap. Yes, for SIX whole hours my baby Brees
slept peacefully in her bed, the sound of the rain on our roof lulling her into baby
dreamland. I peeked in at her a hundred times, worrying that something was WRONG.
But, no, she was just catching up on her beauty rest. She woke up happy, hungry, and
ready to play. And, much to my surprise, she went to bed at her normal bedtime and
slept through the night. This was one for the record books, a rare occurrence that a
mama must write about lest she ever forget...
slept peacefully in her bed, the sound of the rain on our roof lulling her into baby
dreamland. I peeked in at her a hundred times, worrying that something was WRONG.
But, no, she was just catching up on her beauty rest. She woke up happy, hungry, and
ready to play. And, much to my surprise, she went to bed at her normal bedtime and
slept through the night. This was one for the record books, a rare occurrence that a
mama must write about lest she ever forget...

I cooked my famous red beans and rice, Jessica baked a Who Dat cake, and we
wondered what people who aren't obsessed with football do with themselves this time of
year. Most likely they don't spend hours in front of the television, yelling at people who
can't hear them, eating more calories than should be humanly possible.
Silly people...
This was the last weekend of Isabelle's 3 week holiday vacation from school. For 3 weeks
this little girl has enjoyed sleeping late, homework free nights, and relaxed bedtimes. She
has played and danced and hosted slumber parties, enjoying her free time to the fullest.
But on Sunday night she set to work packing her book bag, laying out her uniform,
anxiously anticipating her first day back at school. She talked excitedly about seeing
her classmates, going back to dance class, playing basketball in the school gym. Back to
our normal routine, back to the second grade life. It makes me happy to see her so
excited about school.
this little girl has enjoyed sleeping late, homework free nights, and relaxed bedtimes. She
has played and danced and hosted slumber parties, enjoying her free time to the fullest.
But on Sunday night she set to work packing her book bag, laying out her uniform,
anxiously anticipating her first day back at school. She talked excitedly about seeing
her classmates, going back to dance class, playing basketball in the school gym. Back to
our normal routine, back to the second grade life. It makes me happy to see her so
excited about school.
Our weekend, in a glimpse.
we were on a cruise out of new orleans the last time that the saints were in the pre superbowl playoffs. everyone was going around with their saints pride, yelling 'who dat?' hah i was so confused at first. :)
a 6 hour nap!?!?! whoa. owsley needs to take some tips from brees!
A 6 hour nap? I guess she was busy working on growing or something. What a cute little baby butt. Not helping with my fever Liv! :)
I also think it is great Isabelle looks forward to school so much. I used to get so anxious and sick each time, but you have such a little social gal on your hands, so full of personality.
also....i wanted to come back and add that this weekend i found out where brees got her name. peppy would have probably given a testicle to name one of our kids 'polamalu' or 'rothlesbeurger.' i'm not going to take the time to spell check these names, but i think i got them kind of close.
Our first childs name is gonna be Rodgers (go green bay!!) :D LOL looks like a fun weekend girl. loving that cookie
Your football posts remind me of growing up in the Midwest in a family of football crazies. I remember the coziness, but I did not watch the game. I would read or listen to NKOTB on my Walkman instead. I was such a little outcast!
Six hour nap?! Hell yes! I'd love one of those most days. Amazing that she actually went to sleep at night!
6 hour nap! I am beyond jealous.
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