Thursday, January 10, 2013



Eating...stuffed cabbage rolls using this recipe.  One of my favorite patients has the
biggest, most amazing garden I have ever seen.  He gives me big bags of veggies every time
I go to see him and for that I am truly grateful.  This week, he gave me a gigantic head
of cabbage as well as a pound of ground venison from the deer he hunted this year.  I
decided to combine this collection of homegrown goodness and try my hand at cabbage
rolls.  They were delicious, hearty, and a real crowd pleaser.  Score.
Reading...this list of moments that restored our faith in humanity this year.
This list of albums that are all now 20 years old.  Out of this list of 29, I was only missing
3 from my collection: Mariah Carey, Archers of Loaf, and Stereolab.  The caption at
the beginning of this list reads "Sorry if this makes you feel totally ancient".  Yeah, it
doesn't.  It makes me feel f*cking awesome and blessed beyond belief to have been
a teenager during this epic time in music.  Long live the grunge!!!
This adorable pregnancy announcement.
This article on motherhood and why we're not failing.
This awesome list of songs and the moments they remind you of.  (Vanessa, see the list
of 29 above).
"Tell The Wolves I'm Home" by Carol Rifka Brunt.  Amazing so far.
Considering...a new hairdo.  But, I'm a chicken so it probably won't happen.  My long
hair and I are best friends, we go way back, we make each other comfortable.  Maybe
a different color?  Could I be a redhead?
Missing...the outdoors.  It's been raining here for 10 straight days.  Louisiana is quite
a miserable place to be in January.  It's cold and rainy and we are cooped up indoors and
we are not happy about it.  But then February comes with its warmer temps and peeks
of sunshine and Mardi Gras parades and the world gets a little bit brighter again.  

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