Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend: Part 1

Our Easter weekend started off with a trip to the zoo, just me and my girls.  The 
weather could not have been more perfect: one of those glorious Louisiana spring days 
that make you want to stay outside forever and ever.  We walked around and looked at all 
our favorite animals, rode the train and visited with the Easter bunny.  After a trip to the 
mall to pick up new spring sandals, we headed to my aunt's house for our family's 
annual Good Friday crawfish boil.  After setting out the traps and collecting crawfish in 
the bayou next to our house, my uncles and cousins set to work boiling our favorite 
seafood.  The little ones  climbed trees while the grown-ups talked and watched the 
sunset.  We ate and ate and then ate some more, talking long into the night while the 
cousins all fell asleep together on the living room floor.  It was a wonderful day and I went 
to sleep so happy.  Tired, but full and happy.

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