Friday, February 10, 2012

Life Lately

My mind this week, in a nutshell:
1.  A Pinterest party
Janel from Run With Scissors recently hosted a Pinterest party where she and her
girlfriends got together with food and projects inspired by the amazing website we all
spend so much time pining, and pinning, over.  I am in love with this idea and plan to
throw my own Pinterest party soon!  Now that football season is over, I can add this to
my list of ways to spend our lonely Sunday afternoons...
The first project I'd like to try:
2. Backyard farming
Shawn and I are on a serious mission to take our gardening up a notch this year.  We
are currently working on a raised bed garden for spring veggies.  It will be our first raised
bed adventure and after lots of research and conversations with gardening friends
and neighbors, we feel like it will be the most productive way to garden in the Louisiana
heat.  I recently found this blog and have fallen in love, hard.  So much inspiration for
country living.
3.  Mama time
Last week, Isabelle's school hosted a ton of events to celebrate Catholic Schools Week.
We attended a special mass devoted to rejoicing in the gift of family, beaming with pride as
we watched Isabelle up on the alter with her classmates.  She got to enjoy a movie party
in the gym, running home with popcorn in her backpack that she had saved for Brees.
And the best part: I got to have lunch with her as part of a Mother/Daughter luncheon in
her school's cafeteria.  I took off work for a couple of hours and waited with the other
mothers outside her classroom, giggling as we watched the class bounce up and down in
their seats, so excited to see their mamas at school.  She held my hand so tight, walking
me to the cafeteria proudly as she introduced me to every single child we passed,
describing each room we walked by, showing off her big girl school.  I was
completely transported back to elementary school as I carried my lunch tray through
the line, sat at the familiar table with the little round stools, sipping chocolate milk out
of a milk carton.  We talked and laughed our way through lunch, Belle so pleased to have
her mama at school and mama so proud of her second grader's impeccable manners.
After she dumped my tray for me and smothered me in kisses, I walked her back to
class and headed back to work.  It was a very special day with my oldest and I was
so thankful to her school for providing such a meaningful activity for the
two of us.
4.  My best friend's wedding
Not the movie, but the real thing!  My best friend has a wedding on the horizon and we
are now of course spending all of our time discussing rings, dresses, and the benefits
of Pinterest.  Shawn and I eloped and skipped over the big event, it just wasn't
something either of us ever wanted.  However, I LOVE living vicariously through
others and helping out with every last detail.  Weddings really are so magical!!
5.  Breaking Dawn
Aaaaaand, last but not least, "Breaking Dawn" will be released on DVD this weekend!!
My girls and I are planning a good old fashioned slumber party with plenty of sweet
eats.  Best friends, Edward Cullen, and brownies: I really can't think of anything better...
Here's to a nerdly good weekend, dear friends!!

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