Thursday, August 2, 2012


This week, I though that it would be fun to hear what Isabelle is currently up to.  She is 
such a curious, energetic little girl and I am constantly amazed by how much she has 
grown this summer.  She will be entering into the third grade in less than two weeks 
and I can only imagine the adventures she will take us on this school year...
Isabelle is currently... "Call Me Maybe" by Carley Rae Jepsen.  It has a lot of energy 
and is really fun to dance to!
Daydreaming ..about my new school.  I am starting a new school this year for 
the third grade and I am really excited to meet new friends.
Wanting...a golf cart so that I can explore the woods behind my house and find
 new species of birds. a book about animals.  My favorite animals are dogs 
and elephants. my diary.  I like to write about my life and how my days go.  I
 like to draw pictures of birds and my family and I have a special bookmark to hold 
my place.
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Liv is currently... No Doubt's new song, "Settle Down".  No Doubt is one of those bands 
I have grown up with: from screaming out the lyrics to "Just a Girl" with my best friends 
in high school to dancing along to "Hella Good" at the local bar on Friday nights, they are 
just one of those bands that I'll always love.  This new single is at the top of my 
summer playlist and the lyrics really hit home: "I'm a rough and tough and nothin's 
gonna knock this girl down."  Preach, Gwen!
Daydreaming...about cooler weather, camping, hiking trips, and football.  I 
have autumn on the brain with all its crisp temperatures and pumpkin spice scents.  I 
long for a cup of hot chocolate and the sounds of the NFL wafting through the house.  
Fall really is my favorite time of year. eat as clean as possible.  Shawn's healing process has been an 
amazing journey of cleaning up our act: health wise.  One of the most essential parts 
of getting him well is ensuring that everything he puts into his body is nutritionally 
sound and good.  I have put a lot of time and energy into cooking our family the most 
organic, unprocessed foods that I can, something I've always strived to do but now feel
 even more determined to.  What I've found is that we all feel better as a result. 
 The healthier you eat, the more motivated you are to eat even healthier.  It's exciting to 
see your mind and body react in a positive way to the things you put into it. a pile of laundry that needs my attention and most likely will not get 
it today.  There are more important things to do, like climb into bed with a good book and 
a cup of tea. all down.  My calender is full, my reminder lists long, my grocery
 list constantly replenishing itself.  Putting things on paper make them seem
 more manageable to me, gives my brain something to chew on.  My weekly menus and 
to-do lists make me feel in control amidst a world where I know damn sure that I
 actually have very little control.  It's all a matter of perspective.
Harvesting Kale

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